When we embarked on opening a hot yoga studio in Petawawa a number of people have asked us, “why did you call it Peak?”. It’s a good question, “Peak” can sound intense, or generic, or random, depending on how you look at it. But we actually spent a lot of time deliberating on a name and we selected Peak for a reason.
Peak worked for Bri and I because we both identified with it and had our own unique connection to the word. You probably do too, and that’s great. Or maybe not, that’ fine too.
It does mean something personal to us though. And here it is for me:
When I use the word “Peak” I automatically think of sport. In athletic performance the whole entire year was build around “peak season”, aka – the season where all of your training pays of and you are at optimal performance. When you’re in peak, you feel amazing – your body is healthy and tuned in, your technique is clean and fluid, your head game is solid. It doesn’t always turn out that way, but that is the dream.
However the reality is, of course, that you were only able to reach this ideal peak state because of the other 350 days of training. It is the quality of the base season, load season, explosive training, post match analysis, it’s all of that the defines how elite you are when you peak out. So really, if you want to hit a higher peak, you’ve got to look to your base work.
Sport is such a beautiful literal metaphor for life, isn’t it?
So, “Peak” resonated for me in the inverse. By that I mean, I don’t think yoga is the ultimate goal. Not even close. It’s a tool, it’s not an outcome. Yoga is not the “peak”.
For me yoga is like base season.
Yoga is sport psych, yoga is soul nutrition. Yoga can act as your base in so many ways – spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally. In calling ourselves peak we aren’t really focused on your peak at all, or I suppose we are, but not in our space. At Peak we are more interested in laying the ground work for a more elevate life. Building your base if you will, because it is the quality of your base that ultimately defines how high you can go in your journey.
So that’s why we are called Peak, and that is why we wanted to build a hot yoga studio in Petawawa. Think you could use some base training? Check out our schedule to find a class.